Coffee Protein Smoothie

Start your morning right with this coffee protein smoothie.

It’s energizing, filling, and more!

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Coffee Protein Smoothie

Coffee Protein Smoothie

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Power up your morning with this Coffee Protein Smoothie! It combines rich coffee flavor with a protein boost to kickstart your day.

  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x


Units Scale
  • 1 cup frozen banana slices
  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee (or 1 shot of cooled espresso)
  • 1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 cup oat milk


  • Add the spinach first to a high-speed blender followed by the rest of the ingredients.
  • Blend for 3-4 minutes or until smooth.
  • Pour the smoothie over a cup filled with ice if you like, and enjoy!


*For smoothie benefits, recipe notes, and more, scroll down!

  • Author: Ella Waterworth
  • Prep Time: 2 minutes
  • Cook Time: 3 minutes
  • Category: Smoothie
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegetarian


  • Serving Size: 1 smoothie
  • Calories: 400
  • Sugar: 26.5g
  • Fat: 7.8g
  • Carbohydrates: 57g
  • Fiber: 8.1g
  • Protein: 26.2g

Why You Will Love This Coffee Protein Smoothie

Coffee Protein Smoothie served in a tall thin glass cup

  1. Energy Boosting: The coffee provides a caffeine boost that can energize your mornings or give you a midday lift. 
  2. High in Protein: With a scoop of chocolate protein powder, this smoothie is high in protein. A serving of this chocolate protein smoothie contains 26.2g of protein!
  3. Perfect For Pre Or Post Workout: If you work out like me, this coffee protein shake is ideal for both a pre or post-workout boost.
  4. Nutrient-Dense: Along with protein, this smoothie includes vitamins and minerals from the spinach, banana, and oat milk. It’s rich in iron, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, supporting overall health and wellness.
  5. Delicious Flavor: The combination of chocolate protein powder with the natural sweetness of banana and the rich flavor of coffee creates a deliciously indulgent yet healthy beverage. It’s like having your favorite coffee shop treat, but it’s better and different.
  6. Versatile: This smoothie can be enjoyed as a breakfast, a snack, or even a dessert. Its versatility makes it suitable for various dietary needs and preferences.
  7. Easy and Quick to Prepare: The smoothie is simple to make and can be prepared in just a few minutes, which is ideal for busy mornings.
  8. Customizable: You can easily modify the smoothie to match your taste preferences or dietary requirements. For instance, you can switch the type of milk, adjust the amount of coffee, or add other supplements.
  9. Filling and Satisfying: With a good balance of fats, fiber, and protein, this smoothie is filling and can help curb hunger.
  10. Healthier Alternative: For those who love coffee-flavored beverages but want to avoid the high sugar content typically found in coffee shop versions, this smoothie provides a healthier alternative that still satisfies those cravings.
  11. Diet-Friendly: It fits well into many dietary plans, including vegetarian, and gluten-free, and could be adapted for vegan diets by choosing a plant-based protein powder.

If you enjoy this coffee smoothie, I recommend that you also try my coffee peanut butter smoothie and my weight loss coffee protein shake!

Smoothie Variations And Recipe Notes:

Coffee Protein Smoothie being poured into a glass cup from a blender jug

Need to change the recipe a bit? Feel free to experiment, or try some of my recommendations below:

  1. The Protein Powder: You can use any type of protein powder you like. You can also change the flavors. For example, use vanilla instead of chocolate.
  2. Don’t Like Powders: If you are avoiding protein powders, use 1/2 cup of cottage cheese or yogurt instead. If you are vegan, use silken tofu instead. 
  3. No Oats: Swap the oats for flaxseeds, chia seeds, or nut butter. As for the oat milk, use almond or soy milk instead.
  4. Add Extra Ingredients: For example, a tablespoon of nut butter, maple syrup, etc.
  5. No Banana: Swap the bananas for mango or berries of choice.

Recipe Equipment:

Blender Type Suitability
Nutribullet 600
Vitamix Blender Propel 510
BlendJet 4000mAh x
Ninja Blender BL610
Oster 6640 Blender
Hamilton Beach 58148A Blender
AMZChef Blender 1800 W
Wamife Blender

Most blenders are compatible with this recipe. 

Although, low capacity, low-speed blenders like the Blendjet are not suitable. Trust me, I tried it!

Taste, Lightness, And More

If you choose to drink this smoothie before your next workout, do drink it slowly.

The smoothie is light and certainly doesn’t make your stomach feel “heavy”, however, if you drink it fast, you will feel heavy and bloated.

This is why I recommend that you drink it slowly within 30 min to 1 hour.


Overall, it’s like drinking a creamy, coffee-flavored milkshake that’s not only tasty but also good for you. 

It has an icy chocolate texture, with hints of the bitterness of the coffee. It is so good, you will love it!


If you are planning on blending this smoothie ahead of time, it simply doesn’t store well.

If you plan on drinking it within an hour, then that would be okay, but refrigerating it for several hours will significantly, alter the texture and taste.

This is why I recommend that you consume this smoothie as soon as it’s blended. 

Ella Waterworth
Ella Waterworth

Founder & Recipe Developer at Smoothies N Cookies

Ella Waterworth is the founder of Smoothies N Cookies and she is a professional smoothie recipe creator. She gained extensive knowledge of creating smoothies by working for Smoothie King for several years.

Articles: 590

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