Detox Smoothie With Cilantro For Weight Loss

My new favorite herb to add to smoothies is cilantro. 

It’s a wonderful herb that not only brings a unique taste to smoothies but also provides an enormous amount of benefits.

If you are a cilantro lover, making this cilantro smoothie is a must!

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Detox Smoothie With Cilantro For Weight Loss

Detox Cilantro Smoothie (Weight Loss)

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Revitalize your weight loss journey with this  Detox Smoothie featuring cilantro. A refreshing blend designed to support cleansing and wellness.

  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 1 1x


Units Scale
  • 1 handful of cilantro
  • 1 cup frozen pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup of coconut water
  • 1 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1 small kiwi


  1. Wash the cilantro, and peel off the skin of the kiwi if you don’t like it.
  2. Measure the rest of your ingredients and set aside.
  3. Add the frozen pineapple chunks


Drink the smoothie as soon as it’s blended.

  • Author: Ella Waterworth
  • Prep Time: 3 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2 minutes
  • Category: Smoothie
  • Cuisine: Tropical
  • Diet: Vegan


  • Serving Size: 1 smoothie
  • Calories: 206
  • Sugar: 22
  • Fat: 4.9
  • Carbohydrates: 39.1
  • Fiber: 9.3
  • Protein: 3.5

Why Put Cilantro In Smoothies?

a side shot of a glass cup filled with a heavy metal detox cilantro smoothie

Cilantro is rich in many minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium.

Furthermore, it contains antioxidants and can help detox your body from too many heavy metals. It makes a great heavy-metal detox smoothie!

Other benefits of cilantro in smoothies are weight loss, increased energy, and improved digestion.

What Are The Benefits Of This Cilantro Weight Loss Smoothie?

While cilantro alone offers a lot of benefits, this detox smoothie isn’t simply made with cilantro.

It contains fresh raw ingredients, that aid your health in multiple different ways.

Some of the benefits of this green smoothie include:

  • Offers Antioxidants:
    • The cilantro, pineapple, and kiwi in the smoothie are all packed with antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress in the body.
  • Vitamin C Boost:
  • Source of Tasty Hydration:
    • Coconut water serves as a hydrating smoothie base, replenishing electrolytes and aiding in maintaining fluid balance.
  • Dietary Fiber Source:
    • Chia seeds contribute to the smoothie’s fiber content, promoting digestive health and helping with satiety.
  • Nutrient Variety:
    • The combination of ingredients offers a diverse range of vitamins and minerals, contributing to overall nutritional intake.
  • Natural Energy Boost:
    • The smoothie contains natural sugars from fruits, providing a quick and wholesome energy boost.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
    • Chia seeds are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and inflammation reduction.
  • Detoxifying Properties:
  • Supports Weight Loss:
    • The smoothie contains high amounts of fiber which promotes satiety. Furthermore, the smoothie is relatively low in calories.
  • Promotes Skin Health:
    • The combination of vitamins and antioxidants supports skin health and a vibrant complexion.

Detox Smoothie With Cilantro For Weight Loss

How To Use Cilantro In Smoothies: My 5 Steps

Cilantro has a strong peppery taste, which is why you should only add limited amounts to your smoothies.

Here’s how to use cilantro in smoothies:

  1. Wash the cilantro and preferably buy organic. I prefer to buy organic cilantro because of all the potential pesticides. Ensure you thoroughly wash the cilantro, even if it’s organic.
  2. Roughly dice the cilantro: I always leave the stems on, remember, it will get blended, and cilantro’s stems are very soft.
  3. Start by adding small amounts. Cilantro blends easily, which means you can always add a bit more cilantro during the blending process.
  4. Add the cilantro first to your blender. Even though cilantro blends well, you want the blender blades to work the cilantro first, so no leave is left unblended!
  5. Taste taste taste! Stop the blending a few times and taste. You might need to add more sweetness to counterbalance the pepperiness of the cilantro.

Recipe Variations

a cilantro smoothie being poured into a glass cup

I have been developing smoothie recipes using cilantro for several months now.

To my surprise, so many ingredients work well with cilantro.

This is why each cilantro smoothie I created had several different variations tested out with different ingredients.

Some variations I experimented with include:

#1. Use Frozen Cilantro

Not many people have frozen cilantro in their freezer, which is why I didn’t settle for this particular variation.

But, I found that using frozen cilantro makes the smoothie greener, more refreshing, and less peppery.

If you have frozen cilantro in the freezer, add 1/4 cup to your smoothie instead of fresh cilantro!

#2. Change The Fruit

I tested using blueberries, strawberries, cherries, and finally pineapple.

I found that pineapple cut through the preppiness of the cilantro a lot better than the other fruit.

However, should you want to, use 1 cup of the frozen fruit options listed above.

#3. Not Vegan? Add Yogurt

I am not personally vegan, and I love adding yogurt to my smoothies.

I tested adding 1/2 cup of yogurt to a smoothie, and reducing the coconut water by 1/2 cup, and found the smoothie came out a lot more filling.

If you do not add yogurt, the smoothie is suitable for vegans. So, the choice is yours!

Explore More Detox Smoothie Recipes:

  1. Kidney Detox Smoothie
  2. Holiday Detox Smoothie
  3. Vegan Cucumber Pineapple Detox Smoothie
Ella Waterworth
Ella Waterworth

Founder & Recipe Developer at Smoothies N Cookies

Ella Waterworth is the founder of Smoothies N Cookies and she is a professional smoothie recipe creator. She gained extensive knowledge of creating smoothies by working for Smoothie King for several years.

Articles: 601

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